3D Moisturising Sunscreen

3D Moisturizing Sunscreen Protection assures extreme protection while using depigmentation products, to avoid the reappearance of hyperpigmentation and to guarantee lasting results in whitening treatments. It gives a complete sun screen effect fighting against harmful radiations in very delicate skins, over scars or in areas subjected to chirurgical procedure, peel or laser treatment.


Superlative formula for a complete skin protection

Innovative formulation that combines the action of physical and antioxidant filters for the complete skin cells protection against harmful effects of UVA and UVB radiations. These filters selectively absorb and reflect UVA and UVB radiations, stopping the premature photoageing, the appearance of blemishes and skin burns.

Its formulation also includes hydrating, antioxidant and regenerating ingredients (Niacinamide, Vitamin E, Panthenol…) that will improve the skin immunological system and decrease skin dryness, which will avoid wrinkles and expression lines, maintaining the skin smooth, uniform and luminous. It triggers the faster recovering and renewal of the tissues exposed to ambience aggressions.

3D Moisturizing Sunscreen Protection assures extreme protection while using depigmentation products, to avoid the reappearance of hyperpigmentation and to guarantee lasting results in whitening treatments. It gives a complete sun screen effect fighting against harmful radiations in very delicate skins, over scars or in areas subjected to chirurgical procedure, peel or laser treatment.


Zinc oxide + Titanium dioxide + Niacinamide + Tocopheryl Acetate + Panthenol